Thursday, July 28, 2011

Securitas Back at Lanikea

Recently, Securitas was rehired to provide security services at Lanikea. There is a noticeable improvement of the quality of service provided by the new security guards. They are courteous and professional. Little things do make a difference, like for instance: greeting the residents and opening the door for entering or exiting parties. Lanikea Security's new phone number is: 808-330-0212.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Resignation of Lanikea's Treasurer

I regret to inform you that I have resigned as Lanikea Treasurer, effective immediately. I will remain on Lanikea's Board of Directors till further notice. For those of you who would like obtain a summary of the Treasurer Report that I gave at the last July 13th Board meeting, please send me an email ( ) and I will email you a copy.
It was a privilege to serve you as a Treasurer. Mahalo.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Omedetou team Japan!

Congratulations team Japan on winning World Cup, OMEDETOU!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Changes on Lanikea's Board of Directors

At the July 13th Board of Directors meeting, Mr. Abraham Aborida was appointed as an interim Director. Mr. Ali Mandani, who was serving as a Lanikea's Director, was appointed as the Secretary. Here is a list of current Lanikea Officers and Directors:

Ms. Claudia McCloskey, President
Ms. Barbara Beerling, Vice President
Mr. Ali Mandani, Secretary
Mr. Robert W. Dudek, Treasurer
Dr. Jon Jancaterino, Director
Mr. Marcos A. Hatada, Director
Mr. Abraham Aborida, Director

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Important: Lanikea Building Sub-Committee Meeting and Walk-thru

Lanikea Building Sub-Committee was established by the Board of Directors' (BOD) resolution in January, 2011. Shortly thereafter, as a then-Chair of the Sub-Committee, I presided over an initial meeting and we conducted project walk-thru with Lanikea Owners and a few BOD members.

Based on our preliminary findings, a Report with multiple pictures and recommendations was prepared and distributed to all BOD members, Property Manager, Lanikea GM, and interested Lanikea Owners (if you'd like to receive a PDF copy, please contact me via email at:

Currently, Ms. Barbara Beerling, Lanikea AOAO Vice President, is the Chair of the Building Sub-Committee, and she has just announced a follow up meeting
and project walk-thru to be held at Lanikea's Lobby on Tuesday, July 12th, at 3:00PM HST. Lanikea is facing some very important builidng and construction-related issues and all Owners are both encouraged and welcomed to participate in the meeting and the walk-thru. Please spread the word and tell your Lanikea neighbors. Mahalo!