Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lanikea's Newsletter, Communication, etc.

Recently, I've received April Lanikea Tradewinds newsletter. When this newsletter was created a few months ago, I applauded the General Manager, the Board of Directors, and the Property Manager for this idea, which, I thought, was improving the communication and dissemination of information at Lanikea.

Then in the last issue I read: For better communication, this will be the last mail out of the newsletter" Huh?? How is that going to improve the communication? Supposedly, there is an idea to email the newsletters to Owners with emails and/or post them on Lanikea website (which I haven't seen).

But it should be "all of the above": by mail, website, email, and yes, posted by the elevator (which used to be the preferred way of communicating at Lanikea in the "old days").

It is not expensive to print a newsletter copy and "piggy back" it with the monthly bills, which are mailed anyway. Color copies are as low as $0.10 x 100 units = $10, black and white $0.02 x 100 = $2. Newsletters don't have to be published monthly, but can be, for example, published and mailed quarterly.

Folks, let's communicate!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter and Passover!

Happy Easter and Passover everybody. Let us reflect what these holidays mean. .Happy Easter and Passover everybody. Let us reflect on what these holidays mean.