Recently, the Board of Directors of Association of Apartment Owners of Lanikea at Waikiki (AOAO) sent a letter to all Lanikea Owners to vote whether to convert apartment windows, which now are sole responsibility of the Owners, into Common Elements. As Common Elements, the AOAO will be responsible for the windows.
The letter says that the proposed change would result in increase of the monthly association dues and the Board has no opinion as to whether the proposed amendment will be beneficial to the Association. What the letter does not state is that windows at Lanikea have been reported to have many problems and defects for which right now the unit Owners are responsible.
This Blog had mentioned some of the Lanikea window problems in the past e.g. when outside window parts of units 02 and 03 were falling down on the parking structure below. I have personally experienced many problems with our Lanikea windows (unit 04), including: air and water infiltration, noise, flooding, difficulty to clean the windows without removing them (very dangerous in a high rise environment), and have at least one window which appears to be installed inside out.
All Lanikea windows should be converted into Common Elements and then the AOAO should demand from Lanikea's developer to fix the windows at the developer's expense. Otherwise each apartment Owner will be responsible for repairing and/or replacing their own windows, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
I urge you to vote IN FAVOR of converting the Apartment Perimeter Windows Into Common Elements. Please inform other Lanikea Owners about this urgent issue.