Friday, April 29, 2011

More resignations from Lanikea Board of Directors...

Mr. George McCarthy who was serving as a Lanikea AOAO Interim President, has resigned from the Board of Directors. Ms. Claudia McCloskey, who used to be the Lanikea AOAO President in the past, was appointed by the Board as Interim President. Ms. Chintana Griffin who served as Secretary has resigned and her position hasn't been filled. Here is a list current Lanikea Directors and Officers:

Ms. Claudia McCloskey, President
Ms. Barbara Beerling, Vice President
Vacancy, Secretary
Mr. Robert W. Dudek, Treasurer
Mr. Marcos A. Hatada, Director
Mr. Ali Mandani, Director
Dr. Jon Jancaterino, Director

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Security issues at Lanikea

Recently, one of the Lanikea Owners' apartment door had been vandalized. Lanikea has an on-site security personnel and surveillance cameras, however, all Owners and Residents should be vigilant. If you see any suspicious or unusual activity on Lanikea premises, please report it immediately to Lanikea Security at 808-782-9895. In case of emergency call 911.

Mahalo for your Kokua!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Passing on the Torch... New Chairperson for Lanikea Building Sub-Committee

During the last Lanikea Board of Directors meeting on April 13th, I have submitted to the Board my Top Five Recommendations of the most important major building issues and problems that need to be addressed at Lanikea. During the same meeting Lanikea's AOAO Vice President Ms. Barbara Beerling took over the chairmanship of the Building Sub-Committee as I'm in need of more time resources to concentrate on my Treasurer's duties. Ms. Beerling is a very astute businesswoman with many years of experience in various aspects of commercial and residential real estate.

If you are a Lanikea Owner of record and would like to receive a free copy of the Building Sub-Committee's Report dated January 31, 2011, and/or Condo Owners Rights and Responsibilities Booklet published by State of Hawaii, please shoot me an email at with your full name, Lanikea unit# and an email address.

Mahalo for allowing me the opportunity to participate in making Lanikea the best condo project in Waikiki.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Glady in the Guinness Book of World Records

It is official... on April 6, 2011 Gladys Burrill (AKA: Glady, Gladiator, Glady-ator) was officially recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest person who ever finished a Marathon Although they will never admit it, our Lanikea neighbors Ann and George McCarthy were instrumental in helping Glady realize her Marathon dream.

Ann is Glady's hairdresser and she put Glady and her husband George together as walking partners. George started walking with Glady and the two became not only trusted walking partners but also good friends. They walked and talked... talked and walked... and the rest is history... Congratulations Glady, Ann and George!

P.S. Ann, "The Instigator," is in the background of the enclosed picture ;-)